It’s a big day….my new book “What You Must Know About Buying Your Vacation Home” has just made it to Amazon. The book took some time to produce and I redrafted it several times as I was keen to make it as concise as possible.
The initial draft was lengthy and after much thought I decided to do away with large sections of it in order to make it a quick and easy read. The book is 52 pages long and you shouldn’t fear I have left anything really valuable out… I haven’t…I’ve just made sure that there are no long ramblings from me!
In the book you will find extremely valuable information on
There’s also a ton more and plenty of helpful tips on buying and owning a vacation home. Even if I say so myself, it’s a must read if you ever are planning on purchasing a vacation home in the future.
The book is available from and is priced at $12.95. The link to it is