Check the Law Before you Talk & Drive

Filed under: Florida News,Vacation Tips |

Did you know that driving and using a cell phone is illegal in some states, with many soon to follow … here are the latest Cell Phone Laws from across the USA.

Cell Phone Driving Laws by State

At a Glance:

  • 6 states and DC ban cell phone use without a hand-held device.
  • 6 states allow localities to ban cell phone use.
  • 8 states prohibit localities from banning cell phone use.
  • 14 states and DC ban the use of cell phones while driving a school bus.
  • 17 states and DC ban the use of cell phones by novice drivers.


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers*: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions**: None
    Enforcement: N/A

  • Alaska

    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Banned
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: Primary***


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Banned
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: Primary


    Hand-Held Devices: Banned (as of 7/2008)
    All drivers must use a hands free device**** (except for emergencies, and drivers of emergency response vehicles)
    Commercial vehicle drivers exempted from requirement until 2011.
    Bus Drivers: Banned (including transit operators)
    Novice Restrictions: 18 and Under (as of July 2008)
    Enforcement: Primary
    An officer in California can stop a person, regardless of age, holding a cellphone and talking on it, but they may not use checkpoints to enforce the all cell ban for drivers younger than 18.
    Fines: $20 for a first offense; $50 for subsequent infractions


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: Learner’s Permit, regardless of age
    Enforcement: N/A


    Hand-Held Devices: Banned (as of 10/1/05)
    All drivers on public and private roads must use hands free device, except for emergency situations.
    Bus Drivers: Banned
    Novice Restrictions: Learner’s Permit and Under 18
    Enforcement: Primary
    Fines: $100 for first-time offenders


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Banned
    Novice Restrictions: Learner’s Permit and Intermediate Licenses (unless pulled to the side of the road)
    Enforcement: Primary


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    However, officers can code “Driver Distraction” as contributing cause and list cell phone in the narrative.
    Prohibit localities from banning cell phone use.
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Banned
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A


    Hand-Held Devices: By Jurisdiction — Banned in Chicago (as of 7/8/05)
    Bus Drivers: Banned
    Novice Restrictions: Under 19 and Learner’s Permit
    Enforcement: Primary
    Fines: $50.00 per offense, up to $200.00 if the offending call occurs during an accident


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Prohibit localities from banning cell phone use.
    Bus Drivers: Banned
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: Primary


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Prohibit localities from banning cell phone use.
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A


    Hand-Held Devices:: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: Learner’s Permit and Intermediate License
    Enforcement: Primary


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: Learner’s Permit and Intermediate License
    Enforcement: Secondary


    Hand-Held Devices: By Jurisdiction — Banned in Brookline
    Cell phone use is permitted only if it doesn’t interfere with the operation of the vehicle and one hand remains on the steering wheel at all times.
    Bus Drivers: Banned
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: Primary


    Hand-Held Devices: By Jurisdiction — Banned in Detroit
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: Learner’s Permit and Provisional Licenses for the first 12 months after licensing
    Enforcement: Primary


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Prohibit localities from banning cell phone use.
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: Learners Permit and Intermediate License Holders under 18
    , includes Blackberry and other wireless devices
    Enforcement: Secondary


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Prohibit localities from banning cell phone use.
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A

    New Hampshire

    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    However, it is dealt with as a distracted driving issue.
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A

    New Jersey

    Hand-Held Devices: Banned, Including Text Messaging (as of 3/01/08)
    Hands free cell phone devices are required while operating a vehicle
    Bus Drivers: Banned
    Novice Restrictions: Learner’s Permit and Intermediate Licenses
    Enforcement: Primary
    Fines: $250 for talking on the phone; $100 for text messaging

    New Mexico

    Hand-Held Devices: By Jurisdiction — Banned in Santa Fe (as of 2002)
    However, Santa Fe lawmakers are considering dropping the city’s ban, claiming there is no proof that it helps.
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A

    New York

    Hand-Held Devices:Banned
    Hands-free cell phone devices are required while operating a vehicle.
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A
    Fines: $100 maximum, $50 mandatory surcharge

    North Carolina

    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Banned
    Novice Restrictions: Drivers Under 18
    Enforcement: Primary

    North Dakota

    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A


    Hand-Held Devices: By Jurisdiction — Banned in Brookyln, North Olmstead and Walton Hills. Cleveland is under debate.
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Prohibit localities from banning cell phone use.
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Prohibit localities from banning cell phone use.
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: Learner’s Permit and Intermediate Licenses (as of 2008)
    Enforcement: Secondary


    Hand-Held Devices: By Jurisdiction — Banned in Philadelphia (as of 3/1/08), Lebanon, Conshohocken and Conshohocken
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: Primary (in Philadelphia)
    Fines: $100 to $250 (in Philadelphia)

    Rhode Island

    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Banned
    Novice Restrictions: Under 18
    Enforcement: Primary

    South Carolina

    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A

    South Dakota

    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Banned
    Novice Restrictions: Learner’s Permit and Intermediate Licenses
    Enforcement: Primary


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Banned (when a passenger 17 and younger is present)
    Novice Restrictions: Intermediate License Holders
    Enforcement: Primary


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    However, state law includes “careless driving” offenses, defined as when a driver commits a traffic violation while distracted, including while holding a cell phone.
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: Secondary


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A


    Hand-Held Devices:Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: Intermediate License Holders, Drivers under 18
    Enforcement: Secondary


    Hand-Held Devices: Banned (as of July 2008); Text Messaging (as of January 2008)
    Hands free cell phone devices are required while operating a vehicle.
    Bus Drivers: Banned
    Bus Drivers: None
    Enforcement: Secondary
    Fines: $101

    Washington, D.C.

    Hand-Held Devices: Banned. All drivers (regardless of residency) must use hands-free device. (Except for emergencies and on-duty emergency and police personnel.)
    Bus Drivers: Banned
    Novice Restrictions: Learner’s Permit Holders
    Enforcement: Primary
    Fines: $100, but first-time offenders can get it suspended by buying a hands-free accessory within a specified time

    West Virginia

    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: Learner’s Permit and Intermediate License Holders
    Enforcement: Secondary


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A


    Hand-Held Devices: Allowed
    Bus Drivers: Allowed
    Novice Restrictions: None
    Enforcement: N/A

    * School Bus Drivers

    This is sort of no brainer, but only 14 states and the District of Columbia currently have a ban on School Bus drivers talking or texting in non-emergency situations.

    ** Novice Drivers

    The District of Columbia and 17 states currently have laws focused on novice drivers, generally meaning those with learner’s permits or restricted/novice licenses. These laws almost always include a full ban on persons driving with learner’s permits from using a cell phone in a non-emergency situation. New Jersey doesn’t allow drivers under the age of 21 to use a cell phone while driving if they don’t have a full, non-graduated license.

    *** Primary Vs. Secondary

    As with many laws, including seat belt laws and open container laws, enforcement is either Primary or secondary. If it is a Primary enforcement law, you can get pulled over just for violating it. If it’s a secondary law, you have to also break an additional law before you can get cited. For example, in Colorado you’d have to run a stop sign or speed before getting the additional ticket for violating the cell phone ban.

    **** Hands-Free Device

    Although there is still much debate over whether or not hands-free sets are safer, however it’s legal to use a cell phone with a hands-free kit according to state laws (city laws may vary).

    Must make sure I take my Bluetooth to California.

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