We made an early start today to watch as space shuttle Discovery, NASA’s fleet leader and the world’s most flown spacecraft, lifted off for the last time to be delivered to the Smithsonian for its permanent display. Discovery took off riding piggyback on a NASA Shuttle Carrier aircraft, a modified Boeing 747, from Kennedy Space […]
Continue reading …Kennedy Space Center is celebrating the holiday sights, sounds and tastes of ISS partner countries as it presents its first-ever “Holidays in Space” now through to 1st January 2012. It’s a chance to learn as well as celebrate the holiday traditions of each of the ISS international partners: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, […]
Continue reading …Here’s some video from this morning’s launch at Kennedy Space Center… travel well Curiosity… 8.5 months to get to Mars! [trafficplayer_skin padding: 3px 0 0 3px; margin: 0 auto; width: 543px; height: 388px; background: url(http://www.floridaleisureblog.com/wp-content/uploads/skin3_540x385.png) no-repeat top left; text-align: left;][trafficplayer_youtube_video width=”540″ height=”385″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/5ObY475qmVc?&autohide=0&controls=1&hd=1&rel=0&showinfo=1″ ][/trafficplayer_youtube_video][/trafficplayer_skin]
Continue reading …A nuke-powered rover the size of a family size compact car will start its journey to Mars this morning. The Curiosity, NASA’s $2.5 billion Mars Science Laboratory, is scheduled to launch from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida at exactly 10:02 a.m. this morning and it hopes to answer the question: Can the Red […]
Continue reading …Locals and visitors to Central Florida are invited to be a part of the excitement throughout Thanksgiving weekend as NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission carrying the car-sized Curiosity rover launches aboard a massive Atlas V 541 rocket on its way to explore the red planet. The launch is scheduled for Friday, Nov. 25, at […]
Continue reading …The last time a visitor was permitted to take a look in the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) at Kennedy Space Center was on 13 December 1978 so we were delighted to be among the first to take a tour of the building since then. Kennedy Space Center opened its doors on 1st November 2011 to […]
Continue reading …For more than 30 years, tour buses have driven guests past the 525-foot tall Vehicle Assembly Building, or VAB, at Kennedy Space Center, pointing out the massive building in which Apollo V rockets, and later, space shuttles, were assembled for launch. But only a select few, including astronauts, NASA officials and space center personnel, have […]
Continue reading …NASA managed to launch two near identical probes named GRAIL A and GRAIL B on board a relatively small Delta II rocket this morning. The launch was delayed from Thursday, because of high gusts, and there was some doubt whether this launch would happen as the initial launch time of approximately 8.00am this morning was […]
Continue reading …Space shuttle Atlantis landed back on Earth right on time around 6am this morning. It brought to a close America’s 30-year orbiter program and it was a bitter sweet moment for everyone in Central Florida who heard the sonic booms for the final time. The vehicle looked majestic as it swept into the Kennedy Space […]
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