MDX - DVD Install

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Remove drivers side center console panel. With velcro reach inside console and locate FM Modulator

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Should look something like this after tidying wires up

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Back of DVD

When Drivers seat is in normal position - no wires can be seen.

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Back of DVD 2

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Under drivers seat for DVD unit. Note position of FM modulator the left of DVD.

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I wanted total flexibility for my screen so I used the sun glass holder.....

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View from rear seats

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Note aluminum clip to stop sunglass holder falling all the way.

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Screen stored in glove box, sunglass holder back in shut position. Am intending to paint the aluminum clip one day when I get time.


Cost of parts : $ 414


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DVD Remote is between seat and center console so access can be made from front and back. Look carefully to see red "eye" Headphones work from IR on center console

Time : Approx 4-5 hours.