California …Part 4

Filed under: Entertainment,Just For Fun,Leisure,Vacation Tips |

The America’s Premier Expert’s event started with a private party in a suite poolside at the Roosevelt. Apparently this is where the Hollywood Celeb’s come to hang out from time to time and they like to rent a suite to chill out.

As we arrived a shoot for a tv show or magazine was just wrapping up so we had to navigate some equipment to get to the suite. The party began and we all got chance to get to know each other and to share our thoughts about the next 48 hours that were to unwind.

The following morning we started nice and early… 7.30am and we had a long session of media coaching with Jess Todtfeld (Media Training Worldwide) who relayed some of the in’s and out’s of dealing with the media and how to look good on camera. It was most revealing and all of us learned a great deal… particularly how make up can improve your TV look!

After that we got to tour Warner Brother’s studios and to see some of the sound stages, see some of the props, and to actually sit on the Friend’s couch! (No big deal to me as I never watched the show…but for some in our party it was the highlight!) Oh…and we got to see some actor that excited the girls in the party but I hadn’t a clue who he was and still don’t as I write this.

The New Cast of Friends
The New Cast of “Friends”

It was early to bed that night as I had an 8.20am interview time and I got up feeling fresh and ready to go…only to get to the studio and find out we were running an hour behind. No big deal really so I hung around until it was time for the interview.

At around 9.30am I was called on stage and my interview about vacation homes started. It seemed to go well and everyone complemented me afterwards but we’ll just have to wait and see how it works out when it’s aired in the not too distant future.

So with that done, I had an hour or so before a very special person arrived for his interview. This was a guy who helped to change my life when I read his book “The Emyth Revisited” and I was looking forward to watching him being interviewed and to meet with him over lunch afterward.

Nigel Worrall & Michael Gerber
Nigel Worrall & Michael Gerber

Michael Gerber duly arrived and I was somewhat amazed to see him in an all white suit. We had been told that wearing white wasn’t a good color for TV so I enjoyed watching Michael stand out…and of course, his interview went brilliantly.

After his interview I was fortunate enough to spend some time with him and I have to say he is a perfect gentleman and an extremely nice man. Sometimes I’ve met people who have helped shape the world I live in and I have been nothing but disappointed but Michael was everything and more than I expected him to be.

So with the TV work done, it was time to unwind. I decided to go poolside and take in some rays. I wandered downstairs and met up with Jess again and we had a great chat exploring everything going on in the world today from how the media handles things to some of life’s lessons. It was great to get some one on one time with Jess and I’m pleased I can now call him a friend. (See you in New York soon!)

After a couple of hours poolside it was time to get ready for another party and this time the group had organised for us to go bowling. Something I hadn’t done in years… of course, I was pretty hopeless at it but I did manage to get a lead over another of my friend’s Mr. Prepared (, Larry Frank in our second game until our time ran out. Now Larry is a bowler…he could get the ball to move and to curve and had obviously had a great deal of experience playing the game . He’s now in for no end of abuse from me now!

And with that our event gradually came to a close. Some of the gang headed on out to a nightclub but I’m too old for that sort of stuff anymore so I headed to bed to reflect on a very busy week.

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