I’ve got to confess that in writing this blog, I really don’t get fishing! I’ve never been into standing on the side of a river bank, or a lake, and dangling a line into the water in the hope something will latch on to it. Fishing just isn’t my idea of fun.
That said, I have been sea fishing a couple of times and I have to confess to quite enjoying the experience. I suppose it must have been the lure of the ocean and the fact you never quite knew what you might catch.
My dislike of fishing started when I was a youngster and lived not far from a place called “Pool Hall” in Wolverhampton, England. I worked in a factory and heard these guys going on and on about it so one day I decided to join them. I thought it was going to be a fun time but boy was I wrong! These guys just sat beside the lake for hours and hours…even going through the night! Fortunately I was too wise for that and decided the creature comforts of my bed had better attraction so slumped off when their backs were turned!
Another time, I went fishing off the coast of North Wales with a friend. It was the first time I’d done that and within a few seconds of “casting” (see I know the techno speak) my line into the water I felt the unmistakable twitch of something being on the other end. I reeled it in and lo and behold, found six mackerel on the line. Now what?
I’d never handled a fish before and the others on the trip were looking at me. I stretched out my hand and instantly recoiled as I touched the thing on the hook. It was disgusting! Many years later I look back on that trip with fond memories…but I’ve still never understood why fishermen fish. I’ve also never understood how they can eat a sandwich after dissecting their prey either.
So all of that brings me back to the subject of this blog…fishing in Florida. Apparently Florida is the fishing capital of the world because it has a huge variety of sportfish species. It has large mouth bass in nearly all its fresh waters, redfish along the shorelines and sailfish offshore. Yes, I got that sentence out of a book because I’ve no idea what it means!
Also, more International Game Fish Association records are set in Florida and more anglers come here to fish than anywhere else in the nation and I suppose that’s simply because people who love to fish can do it year round.
At Florida Leisure we often get asked if there are any lakes or waters where guests can fish and the simple answer is “yes, usually right outside your front door” as many of our homes are on lakeside communities. The next question we get asked is about licenses and just so you know, fishing licenses are required by law if you are aged between 16 and 65. I’ve no idea why there is an age restriction but I do know it’s possible to purchase a license from places like Walmart or by calling 1-888-FISH FLORIDA (347-4356).
Another question we get asked is “Can we organize fishing trips?” and the answer is “Absolutely”. So if you want to do some fishing, Florida is the place and if you want some quite time after a busy day at the parks, a Florida Leisure Vacation Home is absolutely perfect for that!